Dr. Shilpa Bharti

Assistant Professor and Teacher In-charge

Email Address : sbharti@maitreyi.du.ac.in

Reproductive Biology, Developmental Biology

  • Ph.D. (2013) Department of Zoology, University of Delhi
  • M.Sc. Zoology (2006), Department of Zoology, University of Delhi
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology (2004), Aligarh Muslim University
  • Assistant Professor , 8 years , Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Assistant Professor , 6 Months , Shivaji College, University of Delhi
  • Assistant Professor , 6 Months , Hindu College, University of Delhi

Developmental Biology, Reproductive Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Medical Diagnostics, Developmental Biology and Physiology-Animals, Bioinformatics, Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, Physiology. 


  • Member, Short Term Courses & Employability committee (2020-2021), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member, Anti-ragging committee (2020-2021), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member, Medical Health & Hygiene committee (2019-2020), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member, Garden committee (2019-2020), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member of committee for revision of syllabus under UGC-LOCF (Learning Outcome based curriculum framework) for B.Sc. (H) Zoology and B.Sc. (P) Life Science (April 2019).
  • Coordinator, Chrysalis, The Zoological Society, Maitreyi College (2018-2019)
  • Member, Admission committee for B.Sc. (P) Life Science (2018-2019), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member, Building maintenance committee (2018-2019), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member of committee of courses for Undergraduate, Post Graduate at Department of Zoology, University of Delhi ( Dec, 2017 - Dec, 2019)
  • Member, Office stock verification committee (2017-2018), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member, Anti-ragging committee (2017-2018), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member, NCC committee (2016-17), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Member, Cultural Committee (2016-2017), Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Appointed as External and Internal Examiner for conducting practical examinations
  • Paper evaluator and paper setter for Paper Setting and Paper evaluation work in University of Delhi

Title of Ph.D. Thesis: “Role of estrogen in spermatogenesis: A comparative study using a mammalian and reptilian model”

Brief Description of work done: The aim of the study was to understand the way estrogens modulate reproductive processes in adult male and whether or not such responses are evolutionarily conserved but also to identify mechanisms/modes or interventions that would counteract the deleterious effects induced by exogenous estrogens.

Mentored project titled “Herbal Remedies for Covid- 19: Perception and Self-Use” under the Summer Internship Programme 2019, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi


Misro M.M., Bharti S. Estrogenization leading to    adverse effects on adult testis and remedial interventions, in: Mathur P.P.(Eds.), Contemporary Topics in Life Sciences. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, India.2014 pp: 33–51. ISBN: 978-93-82471-77-6

  1. Meena, Rekha, and Shilpa Bharti. "Effect of anti-estrogen and anti-progesterone on spermatogenesis, testosterone production and expression of steroidogenic enzyme genes in adult male rats." Reproductive Biology 23.2 (2023): 100749.
  2. Shilpa Bharti. Herbal Remedies for COVID-19: Perception and Self-Use. (2021).Int. J. Pharm. Sci.12(4), P71-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.22376/ijpbs.2021.12.4.P71- 81
  3. Bharti S., Misro M.M., Rai U. Quercetin supplementation restores testicular function and augments germ cell survival in the estrogenized rats. Mol. Cell. Endo. 2014. 383(1-2): 10-20. ISSN: 0303-7207
  4. Bharti S., Misro M.M., Rai U. Clomiphene citrate potentiates the adverse effects of estrogen on rat testis and down regulates the expression of steroidogenic enzyme genes. Fertil. Steril. 2013. 99(1): 140-148. ISSN: 0015-0282.
  5. Bharti S., Misro M.M., Mathur A. Rai U. Role of estrogen in the regulation of spermatogenesis in the Indian wall lizard Hemidactylus flaviviridis. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 2011. 172(2): 225-33. ISSN: 0016-6480.
  • Bharti S., Misro M.M., Rai U. (2012).Estrogen combined with an antiestrogen synergistically induce more adverse effects than estrogen alone in male rats.”Poster presentation.International conference on Reproductive Health with Emphasis on strategies for Family Planning and  22ndAnuual Meeting of Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF), February 19-21, 2012, AIIMS, New Delhi.
  • Bharti S., Misro M.M., Rai U. (2011). “Effects of estrogen and anti-estrogen given alone or in combination on testicular function and expression of steroidogenic enzyme genes in rats.” Oral Presentation. XVIIAnnual Congress of Society of Andrology: India, December 10-12, 2011, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi.
  • Bharti S., Misro M.M., Rai U. (2011). “Role of estrogen in the regulation of spermatogenesis  in the Indian wall Lizard Hemidactylusflaviviridis”.Oral Presentation. XVIAnnual Congress of Society of Andrology and Reproductive Medicine: India, February 18-20, 2011,Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiyan.
  • Meena R.,Bharti S.,Misro M.M.,Nandan D.(2009). “A comparison of Antispermatogenicand  Antisteroidogenic effects induced by Clomiphene citrate and Mifepristone in rats”.Poster Presentation,International Conference on Novel Updates in Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology and the 27th annual meeting of the society for reproductive biology and comparative endocrinology (SRBCE-xxvii), January 19-21, 2009, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
  • Orientation Course held at CPDHE, University of Delhi, from August 24th to  September 21st, 2017, organized by UGC-HRDC.
  • Refresher   Course(Environmental Studies)    held   at JNU from November 12th 2018 to December 7th 2018, organised by UGC-HRDC.
  • Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Managing online classes and co-creating MOOCS:2.0 from 18th May – 3rd June, 2020.
  • Faculty Development  Program  (FDP) on  Advanced  concepts  for  developing MOOCS from 2nd -17th July, 2020
  • Member of organizing committee of 2-day workshop on Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics, held at the Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi on September 22nd, 2016.
  • Attended Workshop on "Zebrafish as an animal model system", organized by Departments of Biochemistry and Zoology, Daulat Ram College from December 19th to 21st, 2016.
  • Attended Workshop  on  Molecular  Modeling  at  ARSD  College,  University  of  Delhi  on 23rd January 2018.
  • Attended Workshop on TROP ICSU Workshop at Sri Venkateswara College, New Delhi from Oct 13th -14th, 2018.
  • Resource Person in the “Symposium on: Recent Trends in Biology”  held at Dept. of Zoology, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi on 25th Feb 2015.
  • Resource Person in the “Workshop on Biotechnology: Trends and Techniques”  held at Dept. of Zoology, Hindu College, University of Delhi from 28th to 31st May 2013 (Sponsored by DBT – Star College Project, Hindu College, Univ. Of Delhi).   
  • Resource Person-cum-Demonstrator in training Course (from 2009-2013) held every year “Application of Research Techniques in Reproductive Biomedicine” organized by National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, for doctors and faculties, researchers and students from Universities, Medical colleges, Research institutions.
  • Participated in the International Symposium on Endocrinology and Reproduction: Molecular Mechanisms to Molecular Medicine and 28th meeting of the Society for Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology (SRBCE-2010). February 4-6, 2010, Special Center for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067.
  • Qualified joint CSIR-UGC (NET) LS held on June 2005, December 2006
  • Qualified joint CSIR-UGC (NET) JRF held on June 2007
  • Qualified joint CSIR-UGC (NET) SRF held on June 2010