Educational Qualifications
- Ph. D. in Sociology awarded from Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University.
- M. Phil. in Sociology from Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University.
- M. A. in Sociology from Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University.
- B. A. (Hons.) in Philosophy with Ist division, IInd rank in the university, from Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi.
- A Sociological study of the integration of technology in education.
- Published book titled “Tech capital and the school: A sociological study” in 2017.
Journal Publications
- Co-authored research paper titled “Farmers’ lives in the wake of sustainable development” in Vantage. October 2021, Volume 2, Issue 2. Pp 80 – 104. ('%20lives.pdf).
- Co–authored a research paper titled 'A Sociological study of the Stigma and Silences around Menstruation' Vantage. Volume 1,Issue 1, April 2020. pp 47 - 65. ( A sociological study of stigma.pdf)
- Co–authored a research paper titled 'User Configurations and Perspectives: A case study of the Hepatitis B Introductory Trial in East Delhi,' with Dr. Renu Addlakha. The
same appeared in the Economic and Political Weekly (26th February 2000).
Workshop/Conference/Symposium Attended
- Presented a paper titled “The role of ICT in Teacher Education” at “International Seminar on ICT in Education” at Jammu University, Jammu.
- Was Resource Person for technical session titled “Sharing strategies for building Innovation & Collaboration in Teacher Education through E-Resources” in the UGC ‘National Seminar on E-Learning’ organized by Punjab University, Chandigargh.
- Participated in the workshop on Behavioural Change Communication in Reproductive and Child Health Programmes organised by the Population Foundation of India at New Delhi.
- Participated in the IUSSP Conference on Southeast Asia’s Population in a Changing Asian Context at Bangkok, Thailand
- Authored chapter titled “Education and the Covid-19 pandemic” Experiences and implications” in Tripathy, et al.(eds.) “Sociological reflections on the Covid-19 pandemic in India”