The Department of Punjabi has well planned, effective curreculam delivery.To enable the students to achieve their required goals related to the syllabus as well as for pursuing a way of higher education,research areas and different types of competitive exams by the curriculum delivery.So the curriculum delivery is connected with the teaching practices interrelated by learning creative skills of writing in Punjabi guidance, interested interaction in the classroom foccused on the students. Well planned effective lessons are implemented by faculty. Starting the session the syllabus is introduced in a class.The contents are covered by study materials, class notes, andavailable books. Students learnt with the help of digital tools, demonstration and presentations related to the contents of the syllabus.
The continous evaluation of the students leads by the procedure which is followed by faculty on the basses of Regular tutorials , revision of topics , tests are taken by the students.Internal Assessment is continuously done by giving Assignments, Projects, MCQ questions / Questionare, different class activities.To encourage the students for developing the ability of speaking, writing skills of Punjabi regularly.
Internal Assessment is continuously done by giving Assignments, Projects, MCQ questions / Questionare, different class activities.To encourage the students for developing the ability of speaking, writing skills of Punjabi regularly.