Vision & Mission


The Department of Political Science aims at equipping students with in-depth knowledge and intellectual tools to engage with the global and India-specific issues and challenges arising in the arenas of politics, political processes and political ideas. It aims to provide them with learning experiences and theoretical deftness that prepare them to understand socio-political phenomena in all the dimensions, which are comparative and context-sensitive. To fulfill this goal, it has designed various programmes and courses balancing specializations with interdisciplinary approaches. Through different pedagogical methods, the department seeks to enhance students’ subject specific knowledge along with their ability to think critically. The department affirms its commitment to equity, inclusiveness and diversity without compromising academic rigour in the context of the global commitment to sustainable development, rights of the marginalized and ecological diversity and conservation.


To produce best human resource for the advancement of society and state. Moreoevr, to Produce role model leaders in all walks of life, particularly, in the sphere of governance and social services.