Scintillations- The Physics Society


The Physics Society of Maitreyi College is a forum for the students of the department which provides them with a platform to engage in the departmental life and enrich it with their academic as well as non-academic activities and participation. The office bearers of the society consists of currently enrolled B. Sc. students of 2nd and 3rd years of the department. The society organizes lectures by eminent speakers from time to time. It also organizes educational trips to various other academic institutions within the city. The fresher and farewell events for incoming and outgoing students are also organised by the society. 

All the office bearers of the society are elected by students of the department for a period of one year. The society is supervised by the faculty members and headed by Teacher-In-Charge of the department.


Office Bearers

  • President : Dewanshi : B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics III Year
  • Vice President : Saniya : B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics III Year
  • General Secretary : Arpita Chaudhary : B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics III Year
  • Treasurer : Bhumi Goyal : B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics III Year
President - Dewanshi
Vice President - Saniya
General Secretary - Arpita Chaudhary
Treasurer - Bhumi Goyal


Scintillations is  more than just a society! It represents a group of individuals who share  profound passion for the wonders of physics and its applications in everyday life. It is a place where students can show their talent and creativity in diverse fields.  

The Society believes in the power of knowledge and the pursuit of understanding. 

The society believes in the importance of sharing the excitement of physics beyond the boundaries of our society. It aims to  provide a platform for students and enthusiasts to delve into the frontiers of physics through engaging seminars, thought-provoking discussions, and interactive workshops.


Social Media Handles
