

  • This College has established sports center & facility dedicated to promote “FIT INDIA MOVEMENT” initiated by Department of Physical Education of Maitreyi College, DU.
  • It runs FITNESS CENTER for young and enthusiastic special Olympic players, girls & boys of our country. This facility provides fitness training by adopting latest technique and methods for playing different games like athletics, basketball, football, softball and volleyball etc. in the country. The Centre will also provide training to the players who will be participating in upcoming tournaments like state, nationals and international tournaments and World Summer Games, Berlin 2023.
  • Our college has started the fitness & Basketball training center for special players in   association with Special Olympic Bharat 06 days in a week for 2hrs from 1.6.2019 till now. Around 200-300 kids have come to play games and sports under this center on alternate days.
  • College also provides Maitreyi College  students as volunteer to conduct National & International Tournaments, Workshops and Seminars of SOB.
  • College has Organized Yoga Day for Special Olympic Bharat 100 players and parents have participated in this event in 2017 till now.


We also have a wheelchair basketball Para-Athlete Centre, which comes to our college every weekend to Practice with the Maitreyi basketball team. Our college provides them to use the infrastructure like synthetic basketball to play and place/ space to keep their wheelchair also near the basketball court free of charge. College also provides them specialized coaches and students volunteer to assist them during their practices. Department of physical education organise regular practice session and tournament for them.

    3. Pragati: Center for Netball for Women

    Maitreyi College established sports center & facility dedicated to promote ‘Netball’ among young and enthusiastic girls of our country. This facility named as ‘Pragati’ will impart physical ability as well as techniques for playing netball in India. The Centre will provide training to the players who will be participating in upcoming tournaments like nationals, Central Zonal  & university Netball Championship.  The Centre will be supervised by Ms. Shipra Verma, Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education, Maitreyi College. Under this center department of physical education has organized various  tournaments at national & state level.