Assistant Professor
Contact (Off.): 7838502566
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1. Naokant Deo, Sandeep Kumar, Durrmeyer variant of apostol-genocchi-baskakov operators, "Quaestiones Mathematicae", Vol. 44:1,(2021), 1817--1834, DOI: 10.2989/16073606.2020.1834000, Publisher: Taylor & Francis, SCIE.
2. Sandeep Kumar, Naokant Deo, Approximation of Generalized Paltanea and Heilmann-Type Operators, Matematicki Vesnik, Vol. 74:2 (2022), 101-109, Publisher: Drustvo matematicara Srbije, ESCI. texttt{}.
3. Naokant Deo, Sandeep Kumar, Convergence analysis of semi exponential Post-Widder operators, accepted for publication in Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Publisher: Miskolc University Press, SCIE.
1. Presented a paper in an international conference on Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Akal University, Talwandi-Sabo, Punjab, India, Nov-16-22, 2022, with the title Rate of convergence of Durrmeyer variant of Apostol-Genochhi Baskakov operators.
2. Presented a paper in an international conference on Analysis and Its Applications (ICAA-23), Dept. of mathematics Shivaji College(DU), Feb-27-28, 2023, with the title Approximation of Difference Operators.