Dr. Monica Chhabra

Associate Professor

Email Address : mchhabra@maitreyi.du.ac.in

Modern American Drama: Plays of Tennessee Williams

  • American Literature
  • Romantic Literature
  • British Literature: The Early 20th Century
  • Modern European Drama
  • Postcolonial Literatures
  • Literature of Diaspora
  • African Literature
  • Dystopian Writing
  • World Literatures
  • Modes of Creative Writing

Violence in the Major Plays of Tennessee Williams: A Critical Analysis

  • Orientation Programme (English Language Proficiency Course) at Institute of Lifelong Learning University of Delhi (August, 2012)

  • Workshop on Foundation Course at Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education University of Delhi (May, 2013)

  • FDP on “Research Methodology” (PMMMNMTT Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College) 1st - 15th October, 2020

  • FDP on “Advanced Pedagogical Techniques” (PMMMNMTT Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College) 29th Oct to 5th November, 2020 

  • Orientation/Induction Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” (PMMMNMTT Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College) 10th Nov - 9th December, 2020

  • FDP on “Qualitative Data Analysis” (PMMMNMTT Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College) 21st Dec to 28th December, 2020  

  • FDP on “ICT-based Learning and Developing MOOCs for Teaching Process in Higher Education” (PMMMNMTT Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College) 29th Dec 2020 to 4th January, 2021                                                                                        

  • FDP on “Blended Learning-Alternative Dimensions” (PMMMNMTT Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College) 12th - 29th January, 2021  

  • FDP on “Open Source Tools for Research” (PMMMNMTT Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College) 3rd April to 9th April, 2021